Not all assault charges are viewed equally by the law. If you have been charged in California with assault, it’s important to know the circumstances that come into play when determining the severity of the crime. By understanding the law, you can better prepare yourself to navigate the legal system and get back to a [...]
A judge in California ruled on Oct. 4 that prosecutors had gathered enough evidence against a 64-year-old Santa Barbara man to charge him with embezzlement and failing to file tax returns. The man is a retired probation officer who is accused of embezzling more than $600,000 from the union he served. According to prosecutors, the [...]
Technological advances have been widely embraced across California. While tech companies have helped to shape the state’s economy, the use of certain types of technology within the criminal justice system is problematic. One type that is becoming more widespread among law enforcement agencies is facial recognition technology. However, using it to identify suspects is problematic [...]
Being questioned by California police officers can be scary for many people even when they are not a suspect. Officers often question individuals as though they are not suspected of criminal activity just to attempt to lead them into potential self-incrimination. While we do have general legal protection regarding providing evidence against ourselves, this typically [...]